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- Triangular Craft - Sighting Reports for 1995
- Triangular Craft - Sighting Reports for 1996
- UFO Related Products and Services
20th July 1996
- UFO Roundup A weekly roundup of UFO events
23rd July 1996
- United Kingdom UFO Network - Latest Issue
18th July 1996
- Amateur Radio UFO Networks
25th July 1996
- Computer Networks and Newsgroups
4th July 1996
- Crop Circle Organisations and Magazines
25th July 1996
- Media UFO Research
4th July 1996
(Formerly named TV and Radio UFO Research)
- UFO Hotlines and Telephone Services
25th July 1996
- Links to UFO sites Page 1
25th July 1996
- Links to UFO sites Page 2
25th July 1996
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This page last updated: Thursday, 25-Jul-96 19:58:02 BST